Saturday, June 30, 2012

My First 5k!

I did it!  I ran my first 5k!  It went pretty much as I expected.  It was hot.  At times, it felt like it lasted forever.  I had to push myself harder than I thought I could.  And I still finished pretty darn close to last.

But I'm okay with that.  I finished!  And I burned more than 400 calories.  Not to mention, I did a heck of a lot better than all those people who didn't even show up! 

I had four goals.
  1. I wanted to finish the race.  CHECK!
  2. I wanted to run at least 50% of the race.  CHECK!
  3. I wanted to run the entire first mile.  CHECK!
  4. And I wanted to run through the finish line.  CHECK!
All goals met!

I had plenty of cheerleaders that helped me along the way.  That was SO COOL!!!  And a huge shout-out to Becky Lingenfelter who came back and ran the last quarter mile or so with me AFTER she finished it.  Thank you SO MUCH!!!  I'm pretty sure I would have walked part of that last leg without her.

Catfish 5k pre-race (Linda, Stephanie, me!)
Thank you also to fellow 89er Stephanie Mangin for the brilliant idea to train for and run this event and Linda Wickman who did a GREAT JOB and even scored a plaque for her efforts!

I think we're already planning for our next 5k in September.  Who's with me?!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

MFP Elimination Challenge - Week #8

Okay, I don't think it's any secret...I did NOT like last week's challenge, mostly because of the food portion of the challenge.  In fact, I failed the food portion of the plan on two different days.  But I'm still in it.  Unfortunately, our team wasn't all safe.  We lost two Wolverines this week AFTER the challenge and one before it even started.  We're now a team of 10.
In summary:
I was supposed to burn at least 1,500 calories in workouts this week.  Our team goal was 23, portion of which was 1,950.  I actually burned 2,074.
I was supposed to do 1,000 reps in any combination of any body prat.  I did...2,700... 700 UB, 550 LB, 850 core, and 600 cardio.
I didn't have to do any of my favorite reps, but I did 120 squats.
I didn't have to do any of my hard reps, but I did 15 15-sec planks.
I was supposed to earn 15 Extra Movement (EM) points.  I earned 32.
I was supposed to stay under 2,500mg of sodium four out of five days; I did it four out of five days.
I was supposed to stay under my fat allotment four out of five days; I did it four out of five days.
I was supposed to avoid eating carbs without fiber after lunch.  Uhhh, I only accomplished that two of the days.
And I was supposed to substitute one bad thing with something better...or simply remove it from my diet completely...for four of the five days.  I chose to give up full-calorie sodas.  I succeeded at that all week.
Thankfully we didn't have a weekend challenge!
In the end, I lost another 1.6 lbs!!! When Week #7 started, I weighed 218.6. When Week #7 ended, I weighed 217.0.  I'm down 18 pounds exactly since the beginning of March.  And I'm pretty happy about it.

***BTW, I should have done a full body measurement on the 1st, but I forgot.  I've decided to do it Monday morning, the 4th.

Week #8 Challenge:
  1. WORKOUT - I have to burn at least 1,200 calories in workouts this week.  I have to do at least three 60-min workouts.  And I have to spend at least 20 minutes doing a new workout.  Our team goal is to burn 15,000 calories.  My fair share of the team goal is 1,500. If I don't hit at least 1,200 calories, do three 60-min workouts, and do at least 20 minutes of a new workout, I will be eliminated.
  2. REPS - I have to do 200 reps of any one body section...upper body (UB), lower body (LB), or core. PLUS I have to do 100 core reps.  If I don't complete this, I will be eliminated. No Team Goal for this one this week.
  3. HARD REP - I have to double my original HR of 3 10-sec planks.  So, I'll be doing 6 of them.  These can be split into three different segments, if necessary. 
  4. FAVORITE REP - I have to triple my original FR of 20 squats.  So, I'll be doing 60 of them.  Again, these can be split into three different segments, if necessary.
  5. EXTRA MOVEMENT - There is no EM goal for the week.
  6. FOOD - There are three parts to the food challenge for the week. 1) Drink 8oz of Water before OR during my three main meals each day.  2)  Stay under 2,500mg of Sodium four out of five days this week.  And 3) Low Carbs after Lunch >>> a. fresh fruits and vegetables don't count against me.  b.  white potatoes aren't considered vegetables.  c.  I can eat 0-7g of carbs without worrying about the fiber content.  d.  I can't eat 8-20g of carbs only if there's at least 4g of fiber in it.  e.  I can eat 21-35g of carbs only if there's at least 10g of fiber in it.  f.  I cannot eat more than 35g of carbs after lunch and pass this portion of the challenge.  g.  these numbers are for the total meal, not each individual ingredient.  h.  these numbers are a TOTAL for the afternoon and not each individual snack/meal I might eat after noon.
  7. WEEKEND CHALLENGE - No weekend challenge again!  WooHoo!!
  8. PERSONAL CHALLENGE - Name three positive things about yourself on the main blog.  One should be external (physical appearance).  One should be internal (character trait).  And one should be a skill or ability that you're proud of.
Just in case you were wondering...I wasn't the only one who took issue with last week's (and this week's) food challenge.  We even lost a few players prior to the week even starting.  Some people pulled it off all week.  Most of us didn't though.  We weren't necessarily eliminated for faltering this past week...but we will be this next week.  My plan is to stick with fresh fruits and veggies with my fish after dinner.  And I think if I have an apple with my Shakeology, it'll meet the fiber requirements of those carbs.  So, I should be able to have that in the evening.  I'll work it out...even though it's Relay week and my schedule is CRAZY!

So, I'm starting out this week at 217.0 lbs. This is my workout plan for the week...
Monday - lunch walk/run (30), Rockin' Body (60), HR/FR, 200 UB reps, 100 Core reps
Tuesday - lunch walk/run (30), Rockin' Body (60), HR/FR, 100 Core reps
Wednesday - lunch walk/run (30), TurboJam Low-Intensity HIIT (20), HR/FR, 100 Core reps
Thursday -  lunch walk/run (30), Rockin' Body (60), HR/FR, 200 UB reps, 100 Core reps
Friday - HR/FR, Relay set-up and walking!
Saturday - WEIGH-IN, Relay walking!
Sunday - REST DAY

Wish me luck!