Thursday, April 25, 2013

Well I Never...

A list of things I've never done.
You may be surprised by some of these.
I don't know why it crossed my mind to come up with this list.
But here it is.  Enjoy!

  1. I've never gotten a tattoo.  And probably never will, except maybe permanent eyeliner.
  2. I've never seen an episode of CSI...any of them.
  3. I've never seen an episode of Survivor.
  4. I've never seen any of the Monty Python movies.
  5. I've never been to Disney World or Disneyland.
  6. I've never been out of the country.  Not even to Mexico or Canada.
  7. I've never been to jail.  Probably no surprise there.  But I never even went to detention in school.
  8. I've never taken Calculus or Trigonometry.
  9. I've started writing more than two dozen books.  I've never finished any of them.
  10. I've never been kissed at midnight on New Year's Eve...not that I remember it may as well have never happened.
  11. I've never swum in an ocean.
  12. I've never eaten a brussel sprout.
  13. I've never eaten a beet.
  14. I've never danced a tango.
  15. I've never tipped a cow.
  16. I've never been a blond.
  17. I've never been proposed to...even though I was married once.
  18. I've never done an illegal drug.
  19. I've never had a hangover and have only been drunk once.
  20. I've never seen or read the Twilight series.
  21. I've never wished I had a different first name.
  22. I've never been to Mardi Gras.
  23. I've never sung 'Oh Danny Boy', even though I've sung other songs to that melody.
  24. I've never finished a beer.  In fact, I never taken more than one drink...because I think it tastes yucky.
  25. I've never been ice skating.
  26. I've never run a marathon...or a half-marathon.  I've never even run a full 5k, though I've finished two in the last year...just walked nearly half of them.
  27. I've never played a role playing game.
  28. I've never planted a tree.
  29. I've never had a full-body massage.
  30. I've never learned how to truly forgive myself.
  31. I've never hit the bulls-eye on a dart board.
  32. I've never hit a home run.
  33. I've never lost 100 lbs.  I've never lost 50 either.
  34. I've never hired a maid...though I really want to sometimes!
  35. I've never seen a Broadway show.
  36. I've never been on a mission trip.
  37. I've never made potato salad.
  38. I've never been to the Indy 500.
  39. I've never found a buried treasure.  I've never found the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow either.  Or a unicorn, for that matter.
  40. I've never picketed for a cause.
  41. I've never been to Las Vegas.
  42. I've never photographed lightning.
  43. I've never won more than $3 in the lottery.
  44. I've never hosted 'Saturday Night Live'.
  45. I've never played golf...outside of putt-putt.
  46. I've never been scuba diving.
  47. I've never ridden a mechanical bull.
  48. I've never seen a platypus.
  49. I've never been to the Grand Canyon.
  50. I've never ordered anything off E-bay.
  51. I've never been to
  52. I've never seen the Statue of Liberty.
  53. I've never been in the St. Louis Arch.
  54. I've never learned to play bridge or pinochle.
  55. I've never learned to juggle.
  56. I've never read the complete works of Shakespeare.
  57. I've never read the Harry Potter series, but I've seen the movies.
  58. I've never really discovered what makes me truly happy.
  59. I've never learned to release feelings of inadequacy.
  60. I've never discovered my life's purpose...which is probably why I'm still here.
  61. I've never gotten a PhD...or finished my Masters.
  62. I've never been debt-free as an adult.  But it's definitely a goal of mine.
  63. I've never been a day trader...or know enough to even consider it.
  64. I've never found the love of my life...nor has he found me.
  65. I've never been engaged or been on a honeymoon...even though I've been married.
  66. I've never been in the audience of the Pope.
  67. I've never been in the audience of the President.
  68. I've never had an article published...and I've written quite a few.
  69. I've never been to the Kentucky Derby.
  70. I've never eaten fried green tomatoes.
  71. I've never visited a psychic or had my palms read.
  72. I've never had a martini.
  73. I've never decorated my apartment...and I've lived here for two years.
  74. I've never recorded anything on TV using my DVR.
  75. I've never called a number I read on a bathroom wall.
  76. I've never seen the 'new' Star Wars movies.
  77. I've never really embraced LinkedIn or Pinterest.
  78. I've never been to Lark Ranch.
  79. I've never worn heels higher than 2 1/2".
  80. I've never learned CPR.
  81. I've never owned a gun.  And I probably never will.
  82. I've never watched 'Duck Dynasty'.
  83. I've never watched 'Honey Boo Boo'.
  84. I've never had a cup of coffee.  I don't even like the smell of coffee.
  85. I've never watched the 'Lord of the Rings' movies...or read the books.
  86. I've never gotten a passport.
  87. I've never planted a garden...vegetable OR flower.
  88. I've never read a comic book from cover to cover.
  89. I've never read the Wall Street Journal.
  90. I've never joined a Veteran organization like the American Legion...even though I am a Vet.
  91. I've never watched an episode of 'Sex and the City'.  In fact, I thought it was titled 'Sex IN the City' for years.
  92. I've never hung wallpaper.
  93. I've never owned or listened to a rap CD.
  94. I've never had cancer.
  95. I've never had a hamster.
  96. I've never ridden a bicycle built for two...though I think that would be so cool!
  97. I've never waxed anything except my eyebrows...and I'll NEVER do that again.
  98. I've never owned an Apple computer or an iAnything (iPad, iPod, iPhone, iEtc).
  99. I've never been a soccer mom.
  100. I've never owned a dog.

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