Have you ever wanted to run your own business, earn some extra money, maybe even earn a free car? Or perhaps you just want to be able to purchase your favorite MK products at cost.
Well, there has NEVER been a better opportunity to do just that!
This month only, the cost for starting your Mary Kay business is only $50 plus shipping and taxes. That's a total of $62.86. (I had two orders last week that were at least that much. Had I known this deal was coming, I would have at least let my customers know that for that same money, they could have registered to be a consultant and gotten their products at cost for the rest of their lives! They may or may not have been interested, but at least they would have had the choice.)
So, I'm telling everyone I know -- all my Facebook friends, all my faithful blog followers, all of my Mary Kay customers, and pretty much every woman in my email address list. So, if you're reading this, that includes you!
A few things you might want to know...
What do I get for $62.86?

1. the Opportunity Kit (as opposed to the full Starter Kit) which includes:
- the On-the-Go Tote, a roomy black bag-style purse with pink trim
- samples of the TimeWise Ultimate Set (cleanser, moisturizer, day/night solutions, and the microdermabrasion set)
- 7 different color cards (5 ea)
- foundation shade selector tool
- MK Sheer Mineral Pressed Powder samples
- MK Ultimate Mascara and demo wands
- Satin Hands Pampering Set samples
- educational materials
- sales tickets, customer profiles, and catalogs
But this limited-time offer gets much sweeter when you make the commitment to start your business with a product order of $1,334 suggested retail ($600.30 wholesale) or higher by November 30. This initial order makes you eligible to receive:
- a 55% discount (as opposed to the normal 50%) for that initial order. (For example, if you choose to purchase $3000 suggested retail, it'll only cost you $1350 plus tax and shipping.)
- additional product bonuses and special offers, including the rest of the full Starter Kit.
- In short, no. But if you want to get your favorite products at cost, you have to place a minimum $200 order once a year. To be considered 'active', you'd have to place a minimum $200 order once a quarter. Do you think that you'd use $400 worth of MK in a year? I'll bet you could. And if you don't think you'd use that much, you can always get items for your close friends and relatives. Then they'll be helping you get to the $200.
- Also, if you want to get the rest of your Starter Kit (including retail-sized products to use as demonstrators for your classes) and qualify for the 55% discount, you'll want to place a $600.30 order before the end of November.
Do I have to hold parties/classes/shows?
- In short, no. Personally, I think it's a great way to meet new people, earn some extra money, and build a dream. But you are under no obligation to share these products or this opportunity with anyone.
What if I don't know anything about skin care and cosmetics?
- No problem. The company, your director, your sister consultants, and me -- we will ALL help you reach whatever goals you want to reach with Mary Kay. Not to mention, our Mary Kay website has information on each product we sell and every service we provide. You'll never be at a loss for information or inspiration.
Seriously...think about it. It's really a good deal!
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