Friday, April 22, 2016

Chance of Rain

I cried today.

That's the first time I've cried in a long time.

It's a stupid story, really.

One of our instructors wanted something faxed.  Even though I was working at the reception desk, I told him I wasn't sure how to use the fax machine, which is just one of the many functions of our huge copier.

Truth is, I was just filling in at the reception desk.  I do that on Fridays.

Anyway, I explained to him that I had never used our fax machine and wasn't sure I could help him.  He thought it was entertaining and proceeded to make fun of me for not knowing how to use the equipment.  I didn't handle the mocking all that well.

He didn't apologize for upsetting me.  He just tried to explain over and over again why I should get over myself.  I then apologized to him for not knowing what I was doing... though I did get his document faxed on the third try.

I didn't break down for the instructor.  But I did later.  And I struggled to stop crying for awhile.

I'm fine now.  And I recognize that I'm tired and maybe ready for the weekend.  I'm going walking with Mom this afternoon and I'll be sure not to cancel that event.  I'll be okay.  No major depression this time, let's hope.

It's just been a long time since I cried like that.

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