Monday, November 8, 2010

Happiness is...DIVINE MERCY!

I am attending a Mother of Mercy Messengers event tonight at Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church in Washington tonight. Feel free to join me at 7pm. I've never attended one of these events before, but I've heard from those that have, that this is an amazing experience. I'm truly looking forward to it!

The Message: Trust in Jesus and be merciful to others as He has been merciful to you.
Every time you feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, comfort a prisoner, visit the sick, bury the dead, teach the uneducated, pray for the living and the dead, correct a sinner, counsel those in doubt, console the sorrowful, bear wrongs patiently, and forgive wrongs willingly, you too are being merciful.

As we receive God's mercy, we are to act mercifully.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happiness is... WONDERFUL FRIENDS!

I have wonderful friends. There's no doubt about it. I've had one heck of a week this past week. And I have so many loving, caring people in my world that keep lifting me up.

I want to take a moment to thank you all.

Those that give hugs. Those that let me rant and cry. Those that make me laugh out loud. Those that take a moment out of their busy day just to send birthday greetings. Those that are related to me...and put up with me anyway. Those that make me smile, just because their names and faces cross my mind. Those that chat with me in the middle of the night because I can't sleep. Those that let me in when I knock on their doors way past sundown. And those that tell me it's going to be alright one day soon.

I hope to be as good a friend to all of you as you are to me.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happiness is... A BIRTHDAY!

Today, I turned 40. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

I don't have any big hang-up's about my age usually. Well, not on MY birthday anyway. I'm usually much more affected on JEFF'S birthday.

When he hit double digits, I couldn't believe I was old enough to have a ten-year-old. I had the same thoughts when he hit other milestones...teenager, driving age, ADULT! And in less than three months, his age will start with a 2!!! Do I look...OR ACT...old enough to have a 20-year-old child?! Yeah, I didn't think so either.

At any rate, 39 was NOT my favorite age. Here's to 40 being an upgrade!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happiness is... A GOOD BOOK!

I love to read. I've always loved to read. One of my very favorite things to do in the whole world is sit on my front porch and read. Sometimes the cat joins me. Sometimes not. Sometimes it's raining. Sometimes it's the middle of the night. I just find it peaceful, relaxing (except when those stinkin' teenagers are being loud and obnoxious across the street).

Right now, I'm reading "Motor Mouth" by Janet Evanovich. I love her Stephanie Plum books. But this is one of her Alexandra Barnaby books. They all have a bit of mystery and suspense. But I also love that she writes with humor. I should finish this one in a day or two. Then I plan on reading a book a friend loaned me, "Sisterchicks on the Loose" by Robin Jones Gunn. I've never read one of her books before. But my friend is a fan. So, I'm looking forward to that one too.

A long time ago, I had a counselor who suggested that I read before going to bed. He wanted me to read fiction and he wanted me to read for at least 15 minutes before trying to sleep. He didn't care if it was horror or romance, as long as it wasn't about my life. His theory was that it would take my mind off of the 'crap' going on in my world and allow me to relate to the characters in the book. Regardless of what mess the characters were getting themselves into, my brain knew enough to know that it wasn't MY 'crap'...that it was just made up. Ultimately, it would distract my mind long enough to allow me to fall asleep. Much of the time, it works.

During my time off, I plan to read lots of good books!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happiness is... SLEEPING IN!

I am on vacation!
I worked Thursday, the 28th. It wasn't a good day. For the third time in October, I had a bit of an emotional melt-down. It could have been caused by any number of things... my depression, the crazy-busy schedule we've had at work for the last couple of months, my lack of sleep, stress, etc. Most likely, it's a combination of a lot of things.

At any rate, Thursday was NOT a good day. So my supervisor told me to call in sick Friday and sleep in. Then he wanted me to have a long, relaxing weekend...and maybe even talk to my doctor. I did just that...slept in Friday (and Saturday and Sunday), made an appointment with my doctor, and had along, relaxing weekend.

My doctor suggested a few more days off. Two to three weeks, actually. He doubled my anti-depressant, gave me another one that will also help me sleep, and gave me an anti-anxiety med as well. Lastly, he strongly suggested I find someone to talk to...someone with a degree in mental/mood disorders. So, they are arranging an appointment at the Samaritan Center.

Hey, whatever it takes to get BE better. I can't keep having days like I've had lately. Too much 'important' stuff to do...and I'm not just talking about work. Work seems to be the place that most brings out my worst qualities. But I have way too much to do in life to be held back by days like Thursday.

So, I'm following the doctor's orders and sleeping in.