Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Blog

I'm not ready to give up this blog yet.  I enjoy it.  But I started a new one nonetheless.  I want to get back to writing.  So, my new blog is just Exercises in Writing.

I Googled 'exercises in writing' and found a few dozen exercises that I can start with.  Some of them give the first line and ask the writer to write for 20 minutes, kind of a stream of consciousness exercise.  Some of them suggest that the writer take a published writing and convert it to a different genre.  So, some will be quick and probably not as well written; others will take awhile, but will hopefully be better.

At any rate, I'm looking forward to the challenge.  I find typing therapeutic.  And I find writing therapeutic.  I like making up characters the most, but I'll work on other aspects of my writing as well.  Check it out every once in awhile.

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