Then my weed-eater died. So, she's at the shop to be repaired. The mechanic said that he'd probably be done with it Monday or Tuesday. Well, it's Thursday and still no word from the mechanic. I tried borrowing my dad's, but that didn't work out. I was so bummed.
So tomorrow is supposed to be my RDO (regular day off, for you non-Crane types). My mission was to resume last weekend's plans. Well, without my weed-eater, I'm pretty much in the same boat I was in last weekend. But more to the point, being that I work in the Comptroller Department and September 30th is the end of our fiscal year (FY), I'll be working in the office instead of in the yard. That's okay, I suppose. But I'm running out of weekends that will be fit for outdoor painting.
I'm only scheduled to work six hours tomorrow. But sometime during that six hours, I'll find out if I have to work Saturday. I have this sneaking suspicion that I'll be working on Saturday. We have a significant organizational 'evolution' that we're incorporating in conjunction with the turn of the FY. (wow, that's a lot of buck-fifty words) We've been given access to a test version of one of our systems to see if our new organizational structure is going to work in that system. Well, it HAS to work. We have no choice there. But we need to see what and where our limitations are going to be. That could be a frustrating day.
One of the offices here has sprung a leak. I'm not sure what is leaking, though it's NOT the ceiling. Whatever it is, it's been leaking for a week. The entire office floor is soaking wet and starting to smell bad. Finally today, someone came to repair the leak. At one point, they had to use some kind of plumbers glue that immediately gave everyone in the room a headache. Talk about pungent! Well, that smell is gone now. But after that, various co-workers began spraying Lysol or Febreeze or other name-brand air fresheners around to mask the 'wet, dank' smell of this one office. So, I had this constant headache today due entirely to the various strong smells. I think I spent more time looking forward to fresh air than anything else.
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