Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Grade "A" Day

I did not sleep well last night. So, I wasn't sure how my day would go. But it was GREAT! I wish EVERY day could go as well as today.

I spent much of the day putting together metrics charts. I didn't have to gather the data; I just put it into charts once someone else figured out the numbers. The first time I make a chart, it's a bit of a challenge. But mostly, it's fun for me. (I LOVE Excel!) The charts have to be easy to understand, not too busy, and convey just the right message. I think I accomplished that...for SIXTEEN different metrics.

Then I went to a baseball game. I know, I know...baseball is so NOT my sport. Much too slow. Way too boring. But this was a Little League All-Star game. My twin's youngest was playing. I went to their game last night and they won by the ten-run rule. Tonight was a much closer game, really fun to watch. I honestly enjoyed the game and the company. I'm going back again tomorrow night!

THEN I went to the gym! Two weeks ago, I met with a few of the 89ers to start planning our 20 year class reunion over dinner. In the last two weeks, we've made amazing progress in tracking down some of our classmates. But just as exciting, we decided that we were all going to join the local gym, get into better shape, and lose some weight. I have to say, I'm LOVING it! I don't know how to use all of the equipment yet, but I'll get someone to teach me along the way.

To top off my day, I got to spend some one-on-one time with Linus Felinus on the front porch during the minor thunderstorm that we had. I've already taken my melatonin, so hopefully I sleep much better tonight. The perfect ending to a perfect day.

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