Monday, September 15, 2008


You need to say that title a little loud and with your teeth clenched. That's where I am right now.

I don't want to go into a lot of detail here. Partly because I'm tired. Mostly because I'm trying to focus on 'letting go and letting God' with respect to all things Jeff.

In talking with my mom about it quite a bit yesterday (and the COGs at bible study tonight), I was reminded that there comes a time when all I can do is pray.

So, I prayed last night for Jeff and his faith and his future. And I have to admit, I slept much, MUCH better than the night before. So much so that after my very frustrating day at work today, I intended to pray for THAT tonight and see if I got the same result. But no, back to my first priority...

Sitting down?

Jeff has told me TWICE since I got home from my bible study less than two hours ago that he has put some serious thought into it and he thinks that he wants to drop out of school and get his GED.

Okay, so forget praying for a smooth productive day at the office tomorrow. I'm back to praying that God grab this kid by the scruff and maybe whack him in the head and WAKE HIM UP!

I'm dying to know what happened today that brought Jeff to this conclusion. I'll try calling the school tomorrow to find out. When I ask Jeff, he says that he hates it there and is ready to join the workforce. Uhhh, yeah right. I'm not buying it.

I can't even talk about this anymore tonight. I'm going to go to bed, cry for a bit, pray for awhile, and try to fall asleep before the sun comes up.


Christy said...

Hang in there, you know God is in control of IT ALL!!

Leslie said...

I know, I know. But it's really difficult to just sit back and watch a train wreck. Ugh!