Monday, September 22, 2008

Having the Rug Pulled Out From Under Me

I met with the principal and the guidance counselor at Jeff's high school today. I let them know that there were two things that I was unhappy about.

One, that they took it upon themselves to make a major decision about my son's life without even consulting me.

Two, that they're more concerned with making Jeff "happy" instead of giving him an "education".

I wanted an apology from them for coming up with such a bad plan for MY son and leaving me out of the discussion. They wanted praise from me for finding a way (at any cost) to keep him from quitting school. Neither of us got what we wanted.

In fact, there was NO agreement anywhere in that meeting.

I no longer intend to be part of the mix. When I left, I told Jeff 'whatever you want'. I told the principal, 'whatever you think'. Apparently they don't need me. And I have NO DESIRE to be associated with this train wreck.

All the years (YEARS) of prayer and frustration and tears and trying, probably gone. Maybe he'll remember and appreciate it some day. Probably not until he has his own teenager.

Hopefully something very much like this situation happens to both the principal and the guidance counselor so that they understand how devastating it is to have the rug pulled out from under them as parents. I hope they are treated with the same smug, condescending attitude that I received today, completely belittling their role as a parent in front of their child. I just hope it happens soon. It'll make for much more effective irony. (Yes, sometimes I have vengeful thoughts.)

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