Friday, August 7, 2009

Don't limit yourself.

Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, you can achieve. -- Mary Kay Ash

What would this world be like if we all dreamed big? What would this world be like if we all acted on those dreams? Could you imagine. We'd be living on the moon and driving flying cars.

Let's take this down a notch or two. Think of one dream you have. Just one. You want to lose 25 pounds or you want to write a book. You want to be debt-free or run a marathon. Now take that dream and (if it's not already big enough), biggie-size it. So, now you're losing 75 pounds or writing a whole series of books. You're debt-free, have a huge savings, AND your dream home or you're running four marathons a year.

What would you need to do to make that dream happen? Not the first one...we'll call that the intermediary one...but the BIG one. If you made it your #1 goal and put energy into it every day, do you think you could meet that goal?

Your mind believes what you tell it. If you keep saying, "I have a horrible memory." Guess what. You're helping to make it more and more true with every utterance. Tell yourself that you have a GREAT memory. If you keep telling yourself that you'll never lose that last ten pounds, you're right! You won't. You will believe that you can't do it and so you never will. Change your talk and you change your beliefs. Change your beliefs and you'll see results.

Train your mind to speak positively. And then repeat those encouraging words often. Write them down if you have to. Post them where you can see them. Just keep telling yourself that you are taking positive steps towards your goal and you won't stop until you reach your dream.

"I walk three miles every day. I look forward to it all day long. I love to walk and hate it when I miss an opportunity to get some exercise and fresh air. I can see and feel the benefits to my body. In no time, I'll be a size 10 again!"

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