Friday, September 14, 2007

Another Beautiful Day in God's Country

I don't know when it started, but I refer to my home town, the county that I live in, the whole of southern Indiana really, as God's Country. So does my mom. I got it from her actually. She's lived here her entire life. I couldn't wait to move back.

We have four distinct seasons, each one with it's marvel and beauty. We have fresh air and blue skies, tall trees and rolling hills, and sunsets that grow more and more beautiful until they have no choice but to disappear. We also have white snow, rolling thunder, and enough lightning to put a fireworks display to shame.

No other artist could create such a masterpiece. Only One.

Today, the high was 79 degrees. There was a nice breeze and just enough clouds to make the sky look oh-so-blue. Every time I passed a window and saw the leaves wave with the wind, I wanted to run outside with my face to the sun, my eyes closed, spinning around in circles like Maria in 'The Sound of Music'.

But there was work to do. So, I smiled, added a bounce to my step, thanked God for the gift, and went back into my windowless cubicle. But I got a lot done. A very productive day. And if one has to work, there's nothing better than that.

Another beautiful day in God's Country.

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