Saturday, November 29, 2008

Good news, bad news, and other news

The good news is that I saw Gary today! Gary is my cousin who has been in Iraq for the better part of the last year. Their whole family was getting together for dinner tonight. Before that blessed event, Gary and his wife went to mass. That's where I saw him. I gave him a HUGE hug and welcomed him home. It just brought tears to my eyes, knowing that he's home safe and sound. Prayers answered.

The bad news? Linus hasn't been home for two days. He hasn't eaten his food. He hasn't stopped by for a hug and a snuggle. I've seen no evidence of Little Man Linus Felinus PITA-bread Underwoo since he stopped by for dinner Thursday night. I wonder if someone took him in because it's been cold outside. If so, I'm sure he's driving them crazy trying to get back to HIS house...aka outdoors. I simply can't believe that he's run off too far and is now lost. He's lived here for three years; he knows his way around. I hope nothing scary happened to him. You know, like a run-in with a bigger, four-legged mammal that eats smaller four-legged mammals or worse, a Buick. I'm kinda missing him. I hope he comes home soon. I need a snuggler.

In other news, I had dinner with some of my 89ers friends. Always a good time. There were seven of us. A couple of them new to the group. And then a couple of 89ers who chose to eat with their families stopped by to say hey. We signed a couple of cards for friends, talked a bit about our reunion (which we REALLY need to start planning BIG time), and laughed A LOT. But I have to tell you, there was one person in the group that practically begged me NOT to mention her in my blog. I kind of thought that making my blog would be an honor. But apparently, I'm wrong there. I'm a little hurt to learn this. I didn't promise that I WOULDN'T mention her by name, but I figure it's only right. So, hello to my friend in the Indy area, mother of two, former AF Lieutenant and Lionette, clarinet player extraordinaire. You know who you are! Also, hello to Terri, Krista, Jackie, Jeremy and his wife Stephanie. (Didn't want there to be any confusion with that last name.)

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