Saturday, May 2, 2009

Practically perfect in every way!

First, I survived my one-day-of-the-year car-hopping stint. And it actually went pretty well. The restaurant purchased a new computer/cash register. So, I didn't have to copy prices off the menu board and figure up my own tax. That was GREAT! And we had someone behind the counter all day entering things into the computer/cash register, making drinks, AND ice cream. THAT was GREAT! AND it didn't rain! There was supposedly a 70% chance of thundershowers. I thought for sure I'd be soaking wet in the first hour. But nope! Not a drop. It was a gorgeous day! THAT was great too!

I'm not sure how much we made. We left all of our tips at the restaurant. They're going into the pot with the night shift and then we're just splitting everything 50/50. So, I'll know after 10pm. I think we did pretty well though. And Jeff? He was SUCH a God-send. He wasn't all that excited when we first got started. But he warmed up to the idea and was a HUGE help. Thank God for Jeff!

After car-hopping for six hours, I sang at mass. That went well. I'm glad for that too. I never want to be a distraction while singing at mass.

Then I went to Grand March. I really wish Jeff would have gone to prom. Of course, he probably wouldn't have helped me today if he had planned to go to prom. But still. He's never been. And I think he would have enjoyed the experience. But the girl he wanted to take wasn't allowed to go. Too young. He didn't want to go with anyone else. So, he didn't. He didn't even go to Grand March to see his friends. He took a nap after car-hopping all day. He plans to go to Post Prom though.

But my point is, already once this evening, he's mentioned that he wishes he would have gone. I'm like, "no kidding, me too." I just feel like I'm missing out on so many experiences with Jeff because he chooses not to take part... like his going back and forth between walking at graduation or not. OF COURSE YOU SHOULD, if I had my way. But he's not going to do it for me. He has to want to do it for him. And honestly, there's no telling until about an hour before the event. Ugh! This kid, I swear!

Anyway, back to prom. I saw lots of shiny, shiny dresses and shoes. I saw animal prints! I saw several girls who appeared to be wearing high heels for the first time in their lives. (What were THEY thinking?!) I saw LOTS of curls! I saw LOTS of guys wearing shades. I saw some GORGEOUS dresses and some not-so-attractive dresses. And I saw one of Jeff's close friends crowned King. Congrats, Gage!

Now my day is all but done. I'm going to read a couple of hours out on the front porch with Linus Felinus. It's absolutely gorgeous outside and I'm looking forward to it...except that all those kids are across the street. Hopefully that's not a huge distraction. THEN I'm going to bed WITHOUT setting an alarm clock.

What a day! As Mary Poppins would say, "Practically perfect in every way!"

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