Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And the hits just keep on coming...

In addition to being on travel, being the note-taker for all presentations for the week, and preparing for my presentation tomorrow, I am dealing with Jeff's ticket from Saturday night.

Today, I got a call from Jeff, letting me know that two different people from State Farm called. So, I called Christina from our home office first. She needed specific information from the citation that Jeff received. I provided that. She said that we'd be receiving something from her in the mail that needed to be signed and dated by Jeff and put back in the mail immediately. I passed the information on to Jeff.

I then called Yvonne (and Beth) at the State Farm Corporate offices. They wanted a detailed explanation of what happened Saturday night. I told them that I could only relay what Jeff had told me as I wasn't there. But I passed on Jeff's cell number and told them they were welcome to contact him directly...which they did. Jeff later said that conversation went really well.

Then tonight, I got a call from Christina at our home office again. She just wanted to let me know that there was no longer any reason for Jeff to work on the 'Clear Start' program as he was no longer qualified. In fact, because he got a reckless driving ticket within 30 days of getting his driver's license, he wasn't eligible for any discounts. But that may not matter because it's quite possible that State Farm will refuse to insure him at all. She said she'd let me know as soon as she could. I've chosen not to allow Jeff to drive my car until we find out for sure.

What does that mean? In order for Jeff to drive, he's going to have to get his own vehicle and a separate insurance policy...NOT from State Farm. OR I can choose to leave State Farm after being insured by them for 18 years, in search of an insurance company that will insure Jeff on my '08 Pontiac...and pay HANDSOMELY for it. Ummm, option B is NOT going to happen.

Jeff feels like the world is out to get him. He feels like he can't get a break. He doesn't feel that he deserves what he's getting. And I'm not sure how to counsel him. So, I'm back to praying before EVERY conversation with Jeff. I don't want to say something that will add to his discouragement. But I don't want to lie to him either.

He's asking questions like, "How am I supposed to get to work if I can't drive?" The first thought that comes to my head is, "Get a job and then we'll worry about transportation." But I don't say it out loud. I suggest carpooling or walking or perhaps me driving him if our work hours don't overlap. But he doesn't really want to hear any of it. He's just feeling a little beat up right now.