Tuesday, July 7, 2009


When I got home yesterday, the first thing that I noticed was that Jeff had not mowed the lawn again. He told me Sunday that he would, but yet again, he did not. So, I immediately went in the house to ask him about it. He wasn't there. Nor could I find a note stating where he was or when he'd be home. So, I changed clothes and decided to start mowing myself. I knew that this would make Jeff feel a bit guilty...which he totally deserved...and I needed the workout to blow off some steam...and burn a few calories.

It's been awhile since I've mowed. And even with my recent walking, this was quite a workout for me. My yard isn't even that big, yet it took me three shifts just to finish the front yard. And then I stopped. I figure I'll do the back yard tonight. At any rate, I kept expecting Jeff to come home while I was mowing. But he didn't. I was too wiped out to cook, so I picked up Chinese for dinner. I kept expecting Jeff to walk in while I was eating and give me a hard time for not getting him anything. But he didn't. I watched television and played on the computer until 1:30am. I kept expecting Jeff to walk in and give me some lame excuse as to why he was late and why he hadn't called. But he didn't. I went to bed, fully expecting him to get home in the middle of the night. When I woke up this morning and checked his bed, I found that he hadn't been home all night long. Still, no message from him.

He called me at work around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. He even mentioned that he was hungry and wanted to know what we were doing for dinner. So, I expected him to be home. He gave no indication that he was going out or that he wouldn't be home for dinner. Yet here we are, 19 hours later, and I have no idea where he is, what he's been doing, who he's been with, etc.

I'm wavering between worrying about what might have happened to him and being completely ticked off that he didn't call to tell me where he was. I'm leaning towards the latter, just because I know how inconsiderate this kid can be. He doesn't have a phone, so I can't call him. And the three guys that he spends most of his time with (as far as I know) all have jobs and are working right now. I really don't know if I should chalk it up to Jeff being Jeff and try to focus on work or if I should be doing something to find him.

I just keep hoping that he fell asleep on someone's couch and will call me when he wakes up. I'm hoping that the worst news I get is that he's hung over.

I've called several of his friends, only one of whom I spoke to directly. He saw Jeff last night with a guy I don't know. He didn't have this guy's number, but said he'd call around and try to get it. I hope to hear from Jeff, the guy he was with last night, the friend that was going to find that guy's number, or any of the other four friends that I called...telling me that Jeff is perfectly fine.

My gut feel is that he's okay and just giving me unnecessary grief! God, let that be the case.


Lauren said...

Praying for you and Jeff.

Christy said...

Oh Les!! I had no idea hang in there gal. Sometimes nothing can break your heart more than your kids