Sunday, August 24, 2008

40 X 40 - #19 Update my death portfolio.

A couple of people have already asked me what a Death Portfolio is. So, I figure I'll start by explaining that one.

I got my Bachelor's degree from Regis University. It's a Jesuit college in Denver, though I attended one of their satellite campuses in Colorado Springs. I had already achieved my Associates degree from Pikes Peak Community College in '94. So, I only had two years left to finish my BS. I attended Regis from April of '97 to May of '99.

Being a Jesuit college (a Catholic college), all students were required to complete two religious education courses. The first one HAD to be Intro to Religious Studies. For many of us, we chose Death and Dying as the second course. Not that we were all that overly interested in the customs associated with death in cultures around the world. But instead of taking a final at the end of the course, we had to put together a Final Affairs Portfolio...also known as the Death Portfolio.

It consists of all those things that my family will need in the event that I pass on. For example, my last will and testament, any necessary powers-of-attorney, a list of my creditors, a list of my assets (insurance, stocks, bonds, retirement plans, bank accounts), even where I want my funeral to be and where I want to be buried. We went as far as to include a mock-up of our obituaries, epitaphs, letters to loved ones, and songs we wanted played at our funerals. Those who had children and pets, outlined what should happen to them.

It was very thorough. And everyone should have one. This class gave us the opportunity to complete one at an age when it didn't seem morbid to do so. We were to print it out and ensure that someone knew where it could be found. Our instructor told us that every couple of years, we should look over it and update any changes. I haven't done that since I lived in Greenwood, six years ago. It's well past time. So, I'm going to make that a priority before I turn 40.

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