Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Walking Schedules


- walk at least five days a week
- the goal is to make walking a habit, part of your routine
- track your walking, either in time, miles/kilometers, or steps
- if any week is a struggle to complete, repeat it before moving on to the next week

- 15 min. walk at an easy pace
- rest on days 3 and 6

- 20 min. walk at an easy pace
- if you feel up to it, feel free to increase your speed for a portion of the walk
- rest on days 3 and 6

- 25 min. walk at an easy to comfortable pace
- push yourself to increase your speed for a portion of the walk
- rest on days 3 and 6

- 30 min. walk at a comfortable pace
- push yourself regularly to increase your pace/distance
- rest on days 3 and 6

- this schedule is a well-rounded, overall workout to challenge your body
- the Economy Workout builds speed and should be done only once per week (unless of course you're a serious athlete)
- the Threshold Workout builds aerobic performance and should be done no more than twice per week (again unless you're a serious athlete)

MONDAY - Rest Day
- no significant walking on this day

TUESDAY - Economy Workout
- 10 min. warm-up at an easy pace
- walk as fast as you can for 30 secs.
- drop down to an easy pace for 2 mins.
- repeat 30 sec. speed walk/2 min. easy pace 8 - 12 times depending on your fitness level
- cool down with a 10 min. easy pace
- stop only when your breathing returns to a normal rate

WEDNESDAY - Recovery Day
- easy 3 mile walk at 65 - 70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR)
- cool down with a 10 min. easy pace until your breathing returns to a normal rate

THURSDAY - Threshold Workout #1
- 10 min. warm-up at an easy pace
- walk at a brisk pace for 8 min. at 85 - 92% of MHR
- slow down to an easy pace for 2 mins.
- repeat 8 min. brisk pace/2 min. easy pace 3-4 times depending on your fitness level
- cool down with a 10 min. easy pace until your breathing returns to a normal rate

FRIDAY - Recovery Day
- easy 3 mile walk at 65 - 70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR)
- cool down with a 10 min. easy pace until your breathing returns to a normal rate

SATURDAY - Threshold Workout #2
- 10 min. warm-up at an easy pace
- 20-30 min. walk at 85% MHR, known as a steady state or tempo workout
- cool down with a 10 min. easy pace until your breathing returns to a normal rate

SUNDAY - Distance Workout
- 10 min. warm-up at an easy pace
- walk 5-7 miles at 70-75% MHR
- cool down with a 10 min. easy pace until your breathing returns to a normal rate

Threshold workouts should be strenuous. You should be breathing very hard and be able to talk only in short phrases.

Recovery and Distance workouts are at a pace where you can easily maintain a conversation, but are breathing a little harder than at rest.

Walking Logs and Trackers
Walk of Life 10 Week Program

*Again, this is from

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